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El nivel C1 corresponde a usuarios competentes con el idioma, es decir, capacitados para tareas complejas de trabajo y estudio.


Es importante recordar que el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) es el sistema que define y explica los diferentes niveles de expresión y comprensión oral y escrita para lenguas como el inglés. Comprende 6 niveles de referencia: tres bloques (nivel básico o A, independiente o B y competente  o C), que se dividen a su vez en dos subniveles, 1 y 2. 


Una de las preguntas que quizás te plantees al leer esta información es, ¿qué competencias lingüísticas caracterizan a una persona que certifica tener un nivel de inglés C1? El MCERL define las siguientes:

  • Es capaz de comprender una amplia variedad de textos extensos y con cierto nivel de exigencia, así como reconocer en ellos sentidos implícitos. 

  • Sabe expresarse de forma fluida y espontánea sin muestras muy evidentes de esfuerzo para encontrar la expresión adecuada.

  • Puede hacer un uso flexible y efectivo del idioma para fines sociales, académicos y profesionales. Puede producir textos claros, bien estructurados y detallados sobre temas de cierta complejidad, mostrando un uso correcto de los mecanismos de organización, articulación y cohesión del texto.





  • I can follow extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled

  • I can understand a wide range of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms, appreciating shifts in style and register.

  • I can extract specific information from even poor quality, audibly distorted public announcements, e.g. in a station, sports stadium

  • I can understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, specifications for familiar products and services.

  • I can understand lectures, talks and reports in my field of professional or academic interest even when they are propositionally and
    linguistically complex.

  • I can without too much effort understand films which contain a considerable degree of slang and idiomatic usage.


  • I can understand fairly long demanding texts and summarise them orally.

  • I can read complex reports, analyses and commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and connections are discussed.

  • I can extract information, ideas and opinions from highly specialised texts in my own field, for example research reports.

  • I can understand long complex instructions, for example for the use of a new piece of equipment, even if these are not related to
    my job or field of interest, provided I have enough time to reread them.

  • I can read contemporary literary texts with ease.

  • I can go beyond the concrete plot of a narrative and grasp implicit meanings, ideas and connections.

  • I can recognise the social, political or historical background of a literary work.

  • I can read any correspondence with occasional use of a dictionary.


  • I can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects.

  • I can orally summarise long, demanding texts.

  • I can give an extended description or account of something, integrating themes, developing particular points and concluding appropriately.

  • I can give a clearly developed presentation on a subject in my fields of personal or professional interest, departing when necessary from the prepared text and following up spontaneously points raised by members of the audience.



  • I can use fluently a variety of appropriate expressions to preface my remarks in order to gain the floor, or to gain time and keep the floor while thinking.

  • I can relate my own contribution skilfully to those of other speakers.

  • I can substitute an equivalent term for a word I can’t recall without distracting the listener.



  • I can keep up with an animated conversation between native speakers.

  • I can use the language fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of general, professional or academic topics.

  • I can use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking usage.

  • I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and precisely, and can present and respond to complex lines of reasoning convincingly.



  • I can express myself in writing on a wide range of general or professional topics in a clear and user-friendly manner.

  • I can present a complex topic in a clear and well-structured way, highlighting the most important points, for example in a composition or report.

  • I can present points of view in a comment on a topic or an event, underlining the main ideas and supporting my reasoning with detailed examples.

  • I can put together information from different sources and relate it in a coherent summary.

  • I can give a detailed description of experiences, feelings and events in a personal letter.

  • I can write formally correct letters, for example to complain or to take a stand in favour or against something.

  • I can write texts which show a high degree of grammatical correctness and vary my vocabulary and style according to the addressee, the kind of text and the topic.

  • I can select a style appropriate to the reader in mind.

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